Quiz 2b - Skills, Concepts, & Terms

From LearnSocialStudies

The following is a quiz for History Terms and definitions often found on the NYS Regents exams. Take as often as you would like and print out a successful quiz for extra credit.

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1 The term monsoons can be defined as

seasonal winds
sand deposits
ocean currents
mountain avalanches

2 The term subsistence farming is best defined as

redistributing farmland
producing only enough crops to meet family needs
irrigating farmland
exchanging farm products for money

3 The term Green Revolution refers to

an overthrow of the government by radical parties
increased agricultural production based on technological advancements
a drastic change in the environment based on global warming
decreased food production caused by terrorism

4 The term empire is best defined as

a political unit that has a common religious faith
a government ruled by the consent of the people
an extensive territory under the rule of a single authority
a country that requires conquered peoples to assimilate

5 The term feudalism is best defined as a

holy war between Christians and Muslims
process in which goods are traded for other goods
division of political power between three separate branches
system in which land is exchanged for military service and loyalty

6 The term militarism can best be defined as

loyalty to a nation or ethnic group
buildup of armaments in preparation for war
avoidance of military involvement in civil wars
control of territories for economic and political gain

7 The term appeasement is best defined as

an attempt to avoid conflict by meeting the demands of an aggressor
a period of peace and prosperity, resulting in cultural achievement
a declaration of war between two or more nations
an agreement removing economic barriers between nations

8 Which term is often used to describe the actions of Adolf Hitler in Germany and Pol Pot in Cambodia?

scorched-earth policy

9 The term "mercantilism" is defined as an economic system in which

prices are determined by the laws of supply and demand
colonies exist for the benefit of the colonial power
factors of production are owned by the government
the proletariat benefit at the expense of the bourgeoisie

10 The term "Latin America" most accurately refers to the

areas of the Western Hemisphere south of the United States
countries that belong to the Organization of American States (OAS)
continents of North and South America
Countries that have close economic ties with Spain

11 In the broadest definition, the term "culture" means that

art museums, symphony orchestras, and theater productions are part of all civilizations
more complex languages are found in developing societies
a centralized form of government organizes and directs the economy
a distinct way of living and behaving is learned by the members of a society

12 Absolute monarchs in Western Europe used the term "divine right" and dynastic rulers in China used term "Mandate of Heaven" to

justify their political power
rejection of organized religion
support for religious toleration
status as elected representatives

13 _____________________________________________________________________________________

  • Showing respect for parents
  • Maintaining family honor
  • Honoring all elders


Which term is most closely related to these three actions?

filial piety
hadj (hajj)

14 Which term is used to describe the spread of Buddhism from India through Southeast Asia?

cultural diffusion

15 Which term best describes the political system in Russia before the 20th century?

constitutional republic
absolute monarchy
parliamentary democracy
military dictatorship

16 Which term best describes the political trends in Argentina, Panama, and Chile during the 1990's?


17 In the past, European nations have conquered other lands, made them into colonies, and controlled their economies.

Which term refers to the situation described in this statement?


18 Which term is used to identify the Soviet programs that established production goals for agriculture and industry under the leadership of Joseph Stalin?

Great Leap Forward
Four Modernizations
five-year plans

19 Which term refers to the Jewish movement to establish a homeland in Palestine?


20 Speaker A: I am offended by the term "Dark Continent." It implies that only ignorance and barbarism were here before European explorers and settlers invaded the continent, bringing thier "enlightened" ways.

Speaker B: This hemisphere might have been a "New World" to Europeans, but it certainly was not a "New World" to the Incas, Aztecs, and other Indian Nations whose worlds were destroyed by the brutal greed of the Europeans.

Speaker C: Defeat at Dienbienphu resulted in French withdrawal from the region. I was glad to see them go. The French exploited our land, resources, and people. And now, American involvement in the region frustrates our nationalist ambitions. It will lead to more military conflict.

Speaker D: Upon arrival, we found a primitive people living in a primitive land. We built roads and bridges, sanitation systems, schools, and hospitals. We helped eliminate starvation and poverty. I feel no guilt about our past and continued presence in the region.

The statements of all four speakers relate to
