Quiz 4b - Ancient Civilizations

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{{#professor:Quiz #4b - Ancient Civilizations (20 Questions)}}


1 Which factor most influenced a person’s social position in early Indian societies?

geographic location
individual achievement

2 Which civilization first developed a civil service system, invented gunpowder, and manufactured porcelain?


3 Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. ____________________

A. Maurya B. Gupta C. Delhi sultanate

Empires of India
Latin American Civilizations
Empires of the Fertile Crescent
Dynasties of China

4 The terms Brahma, dharma, and moksha are most closely associated with which religion?


5 In which region did China’s earliest civilizations develop?

Gobi Desert
Himalaya Mountains
Yellow River Valley
Tibetan Plateau

6 What effect did the geography of ancient Greece have on its early development?

The mountainous terrain led to the creation of independent city-states.
A lack of natural seaports limited communication.
An inland location hindered trade and colonization.
Abundant natural resources encouraged selfsufficiency.

7 Which statement most likely represents the view of a citizen of ancient Athens visiting Sparta?

"The government and society in Sparta are so strict. The people have little voice in government."
"I feel as though I have never left home. Everything here is the same as it is in Athens."
"This society allows for more freedom of expression than I have ever experienced in Athens."
"I have never heard of a society like Sparta that believes in only one God."

8 What was one effect of Alexander the Great’s conquests?

expansion of Hellenistic culture
formation of the Christian church
decreased importance of the Silk Roads
increased support of the Mayan leaders

9 Olympic games, the poems of Homer, and Hellenistic culture are associated with which ancient civilization?


10 In a comparison of the ancient cities of Athens and Sparta, Sparta placed more emphasis on

military service
family order
human rights

11 Alexander the Greats conquests of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia led to the

spread of Hellenistic culture
adoption of a feudal system
establishment of representative democracy
spread of Islamic culture throughout Europe

12 Important long-term contributions of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations are primarily found in the area of

military technology
religious doctrine
economic policy and planning
government and law

13 Which condition characterized Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire and China after the fall of the Manchu dynasty?

weak centralized authority and interference from outsiders
renewed interest in artistic pursuits such as painting and sculpture
democratic rule and a coordinated economic policy
increased construction of roads, bridges, and other public works

14 How did the geography of the Italian peninsula influence the development of the Roman Empire?

The unnavigable rivers in the northern part of the peninsula protected the Romans from their neighbors.
The harsh climate prevented agricultural production on the Italian peninsula.
The lengthy, rugged seacoast encouraged frequent invasions of’ the Italian peninsula.
The location of the peninsula contributed to Roman control of the Mediterranean region.

15 The Twelve Tables were the written laws of

ancient Babylonia
the Mauryan Empire
the British Empire
ancient Rome

16 Which ancient civilization is associated with the Twelve Tables, an extensive road system, and the poets Horace and Virgil?


17 Which description accurately identifies Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle?

rulers of the Roman Republic
artists of the Italian Renaissance
religious leaders of the Protestant Reformation
philosophers of ancient Greece

18 One contribution of ancient Roman culture was the development of

the concept of zero
the process of making silk
a republican form of government
the printing press

19 China under the Han dynasty and the Roman Empire were similar in that both grew wealthy because they

developed extensive trade networks
created classless societies
encouraged democratic ideals
established free-market economies

20 One way in which the Han dynasty and the Roman Empire were similar is that both

governed large areas around the Mediterranean Sea
created democratic societies in which people elected their government officials
developed a social system in which great equality existed
promoted unity and communication by building a strong system of roads