{{#professor:Quiz #19a - Political Systems (15 Questions)}}
1 Many European monarchs of the 1600s maintained that they should have absolute power to rule because they
2 The feudal systems in both medieval Europe and early Japan were characterized by
3 The political system of the ancient Roman Empire was characterized by
4 The political reorganization of Russia after the Communist Revolution of 1917 resulted in
5 "The Soviet people want a clear perspective . . . unconditional democracy . . . Glasnost in all things, big and small . . . respect for hard work . . . and faithful service for the cause and the good of society."
The main idea of this quotation is that
6 Which situation resulted from the 1959 Cuban Revolution?
7 Which type of political system did V. I. Lenin, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini establish in their countries?
8 Which political system is the basis of Japan's government today?
9 Which belief is common to both 17th-century absolutism and 20th-century totalitarianism?
10 Which term best describes the political system in Russia before the 20th century?
11 ". . . for the administration is in the hands of the many and not of the few . . . an Athenian citizen does not neglect the state because he takes care of his own household.... We alone regard a man who takes no interest in public affairs not as a harmless but as a useless character...." –Pericles, 431 B.C.
Which type of political system does this quotation suggest that people of ancient Athens valued?
12 The overthrow of the Shah of Iran in 1979 resulted in a
13 In Europe during the Middle Ages, the force that provided unification and stability was the
14 One result of British colonialism in India was that India
15 Which quotation was most likely made by an absolute monarch?